This site exists to make it easier to use Clojure rather than Scheme while working through SICP. The folks behind SICP were kind enough to release it under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License, which will allow me to annotate the text and adapt its source code and exercises to fit the Clojure language.
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, or SICP, is widely considered one of the most influential texts in computer science education. If you believe Peter Norvig, . MIT Scheme, a minimalist dialect of Lisp, is used for all code examples and exercises.
Clojure is a “modern” Lisp that runs on the Java Virtual Machine. Its speed, easy access to Java libraries, and focus on concurrency make it an appealing language for many applications.
This site exists to make it easier to use Clojure while working through SICP. The folks behind SICP were kind enough to release it under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License, which will allow me to annotate the text and adapt its source code and exercises to fit the Clojure language.
All credit, of course, belongs to the authors: Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman, with Julie Sussman.
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Actually, you’re more than welcome to look around. I’ll avoid putting up any gifs of traffic cones and stop signs, but this site is very much under construction, and is nowhere near the point of being useful yet. It’s quite slow as well, since I have disabled all performance optimizations for development purposes. If you’re interested, take a look at the status page for a better idea of where things stand.